Maxoptra Blog

As consumers remain glued to their phones and current circumstances are pushing more and more people online, it’s no surprise that the way consumers buy has changed considerably.  For many, this means it has become faster, smoother, and simpler. Consumers know what they want. And they want it now. We are at the stage where…

Delivery expectations are constantly on the rise. Now more so than ever with highstreet shops closing and lockdown regulations increasing Next Day Delivery is now the norm, and Same Day Delivery isn’t far behind. Businesses are now faced with the challenge of providing their customers with super-fast, low-cost delivery, frequent notifications and an immediate response…

The government recently announced their new three tiered system of local COVID Alert Levels in England, sparking much confusion and concern throughout the country. This concern has further increased since the recent move of Manchester and South Yorkshire into Tier 3 – the highest level of alert possible. And therefore the most restrictions faced. For…

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