Maxoptra Blog

As I prepare to go to the 2014 “Field Service Europe” event in Amsterdam this October, I re-read “The 2014 European Services & Trends Report” based on the survey results of their 2013 conference attendees.

Last month, I was contemplating the research from the European Field Services conference 2013 as I prepared for my visit to the 2014 conference (on which there is much to comment on from the 2014 conference in terms of content and atmosphere but more of that in a future blog!).

I remember one Christmas morning and my Dad opening up a present given to him by my Mum. After removing the wrapping he held up an unusual looking circular object proudly bearing the words “A round tuit” at the bottom. When I asked my Mum what it was for she simply smiled and answered that it was a tool for my Dad to complete all those jobs around the house that he had left until “he got around to it”.

We have all seen at least one Terminator movie and heard the prediction of eminent scientists that artificial intelligence poses the greatest known threat to mankind.

“Time is money” is a well-used phrase we hear repeatedly as we grow up. We learn to appreciate that our own time is valuable and it should not be wasted, especially by someone else!

The “Ideal Plan” should be viewed as a masterpiece of excellence and perfection. After all, it is ideal. Designed with care, based upon knowledge of all the facts, specialist expertise and the benefit of past experience, the “Ideal Plan” is intended to deliver the agreed objectives, precisely to a set timetable.

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